CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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10/8 Calorie Bike Sprint

0:30 Perfect Lunge / leg

15 Wall Squats

15 Banded Face Pulls

5 Double Push-up Inchworms

10 Wipers

10 Scorpions

1:00 Handstand “Stuff”

15 Wall Balls (20/14 to 10/9)

10 Good Mornings (45/35)

5 Front Squats (45/35)

5 Cleans (45/35)


Holleyman (Time)

30 Rounds for time of:

5 Wall Balls (20/14 to 10/9 ft.)

3 Handstand Push-ups

1 Clean (225/155)
30 minute timecap

Please choose a suitable weight for the Clean. It’s meant to be heavy, but this should be done in AT LEAST an EMOM pace. Scale HSPU with DB Shoulder Presses if needed. All barbells need to be on the side of the rack OPPOSITE of the wall, so space for wall balls and hspu is not a problem.