CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
Bear Crawl
Reverse Bear Crawl
5 Scap Pushups
5 Double Pushup Burpees
0:30 of Single Unders
0:30 of Double Unders
15 Banded Face Pulls
15 Band Pull Aparts
10 Banded Low Ext. Rotations / side
15 Pushups
1:00 Couch Stretch / leg
15 Banded Glute Bridges
Bench Press (5×5, HEAVY)
22 minutes
Warmup for 7 minutes, pick a weight and complete the 5×5 in the proceeding 15 minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2 Person Partner WOD
(1 person works, 1 rests, switch every round)
18 min AMRAP of:
5 bench press (135/85)
10 calorie row
*Buy-in: 300 DU (every mess up automatically switches partner)
Score: Total rounds+reps the team has accrued. Note your partner’s name in the comments.
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