CrossFit ATR – Barbell Club
Muscle Snatch (3×3 @ 50%)
12 minutes
Snatch Balance (8×1 ending in 80+% Snatch)
16 minutes
For example:
1. 50%
2. 55%
3. 60%
4. 65%
5. 70%
6. 75%
7. 80%
8. 83%
Snatch Pull (5×4 @ 80%)
18 minutes
Bulgarian Split Squat (1 min AMRAP per leg)
Single Leg Squat w/rear foot elevated on bench, box, or similar.
Do weaker leg first. Aim for 1/3 of bodyweight per arm (males), 1/4 of bodyweight per arm (females).
Pull-ups (Your pick of reps EMOM until 50 reps completed)
Strict. Scale with a band if needed. Aim to perform at least 5 reps per minute.
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