CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
Monster walk (forward reverse lateral)
Walking Toe touches —>
Perfect Lunge <—
20 Wipers
10 Scorpions
Ladder drills: (2x each)
1 foot each box
2 feet each box
2 feet each box lateral
Single leg in/out
Icky Shuffle
River dance
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Minute Amrap:
15 Russian KBS (AHAP)
200m Run
30 Single Arm KB Squats (AHAP)*
400m Run
*You mush switch arms every 5 Reps
Use a different Kettlebell weight for the swings and squats
Pick a weight that is challenging but you can stay unbroken with on the swings.
15 Minutes:
Pec and Shoulder Mobility
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