CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

Come in costume for a bonus!


200m Run

20 Double Unders

Perfect Lunge –>

Walking Toe Touches <--
10 Wipers

20 Banded Ext Rot

10 Big Kips

(Curtis P’s Warmup after WOD breakdown with coach)

Halloween 2017 (Time)

Humans vs. Zombies

If you are human, you will start the WOD with the first group. If you are a Zombie you will start the WOD exactly 3 minutes after the living people and try to catch them! Coach selects Humans and Zombies.

Buy-in: 666m Row

6 rounds of:

6 Curtis P’s (95/65)

6 Burpees over bar

6 Toes-to-bar



50-40-30-20-10 Double-Unders & Sit-ups

If you are a Zombie, you must catch at least one person. If you fail to catch somebody you must do a penalty of 30 burpees after “cashing-out”. If you are alive and you get caught by any Zombies then you must also do the 30 burpees after “cashing-out”. If you do burpees, time is called once they are complete.

The only people who don’t do burpees are the living who don’t get caught and the Zombies who catch people.

Whether you are caught (as a human) or catch someone (zombie), you must both finish the WOD.

Each round, you will need come over to the whiteboard and mark when you finish a round so that everyone knows if someone has been caught.
1 Curtis P: Power Clean, Left Leg Lunge, Right Leg Lunge, Push Press

Costume Bonus: You can sub “Annie” for an 800m Run