CrossFit ATR – CrossFit


Take exactly 5 minutes break between each Workout.

Clean (10 Minutes to a heavy single)

Everyone will have their own barbell and will build to a heavy single. Take today to identify what weight you should be shooting for come comp day.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In teams of 3 For Total Reps:

3min AMRAP – Double Unders

Directly into:

2min Max Calories – Assault Bike

(Track total reps of both combined. Track total reps of each movement in comments)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Intermediate Division – 15 minutes

A. For Time:

80 Deadlift (115/85)

20 Burpee Box Jump Over (24″/20″)

80 Pull-ups

60 Shoulder to Overhead

20 Burpee Box Jump Over

60 Pull-ups

40 Thrusters

B. AMRAP Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Beginner Division – 15 minutes

A. For Time:

80 Deadlift (65#)

20 Burpee Box Step Over (20″)

80 Hanging Knee Raises

60 Shoulder to Overhead

20 Burpee Box Step Over

60 Hanging Knee Raises

40 Thrusters

B. AMRAP Pull-ups