CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

Log onto our Zoom Classes @ 12 and 6pm for more detailed scaling and equipment subs!

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Metcon (No Measure)

3 Sets:

15 Y’s

15 T’s

15 W’s

10 PVC Passes (use a Broomstick, band, etc)

Band Passes Video:

TYW Video: (


Metcon (Time)

100 Strict Presses for Time

*Every time you break 5 Burpees

(RX+) 65 Strict Handstand Push-ups for Time

* Every time you break 5 Burpees

Strict Press options are:

-Barbell Strict Press (around 95/55lbs)

-Dumbbell Strict Presses (2 Dumbbells around 40/20lbs)

-Dumbbell Strict Presses (1 Dumbbell same load as above HOWEVER you must complete 150 reps total split evenly between both sides)

-Same variations, weights and reps can be done with a Kettlebell as well.

-Strict HSPU with scaling option

(Video: )

Accessory Work

Hang Power Snatch (5 x 10 unbroken reps (Rest 1-2 Minutes bw sets))

This can be done with a Single Dumbbell or Kettlebell as well as a barbell.

Spend 2-3 sets improving the movement patterns and locking down a set weight. Then complete 10 Unbroken Hang Snatches with an emphasis on speed with a good lockout overhead.

Dumbbells and Kettlebells should be completed as 10 Reps per side.

Dumbbell HPS Video:

Barbell HPS Video:

Kettlebell HPS Video: