CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

We will be hosting Zoom classes starting today @ 12 and 6pm.
Join us for more coaching guidance and detailed WOD breakdowns!

Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:,
****PASSWORD: 12345****

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2 Rounds:

:30 T, Y,W Flow (Hold each position for 3 seconds and try to keep your hands off the floor for all :30 (video)

:20 Handstand Hold

10 Push-ups w Rotation

Choose your own Adventure:

If you have a jump rope tracking total Double Unders. If you do not we are working on lateral bounding.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds:

5 Wall Walks

1:00 Max Reps Double Unders

(Rest 1:00)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds:

5 Wall Walks

:30 Max Single Leg Lateral Bounds (Right Leg)

:30 Max Single Leg Lateral Bounds (Left Leg)

(Rest 1:00)

Single Leg Lateral Bound Video:
Find an object about 4″ wide but flat to the floor (a piece of paper folded in half will work). Use that object to clear for each lateral bound

Accessory Work

Choose the option that best fits your equipment availability

If you do not have equipment complete 5 sets of: 30 Handstand Shoulder Touches or Holds.

(Rest 1:30 between sets)

Shoulder Press (10-10-10-10-10)

Barbell Strict Press increasing in weight over all 5 sets if possible

DB Shoulder Press (10-10-10-10-10)

Increasing in weight over all 5 sets if possible.

You can do single arm or both dumbbells together depending on your equipment.