CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

SPECIAL Valentines Day partner WOD this Friday!!

Bring your significant other to class this Friday for a FREE Valentines Day Partner WOD!
Check your emails for more information and WOD description.

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3:00 per:

Assault Bike (steady pace)

Foam Roll (T-spine and lats)


3 Rounds of:

5 Pushups w/ Rotation

10 SLOW External Rotations Low /side

10 Heavy DB Rows/side

10 KB Thrusters/ Side

5 Strict Pull-ups


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

10 Bench Presses (165/105)

10 Strict Pull-Ups

Max Rep KB Thrusters (35/26 per hand)

*Repeat until you have completed 100 Thrusters
For thrusters, the KB can only be in your front rack or overhead and NOT constitute a break.

Make sure the Bench Press, Pull-ups, and Thrusters should be scaled back in weight in order to be able to handle 10 unbroken reps of each that first round, without it torching you.