CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit


250m Row

10 Scap Pushups

10 Scap Pullups

15 Band Pull Aparts

15 Banded T’s and Low External Rotations (per side)

Accumulate 0:30 in a Hanging L-Sit

10 PVC Passes

:30 Pec Stretch /side

Skill Development

Skin the Cat (5-7 attempts at your best variation. )

Dead Hang from rings, rotate entire body around while still hanging on to the rings
Coaches will be giving you what variation to be working on.

Weighted Pull-ups (Build to a 1RM)

16 minutes


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Every 3 Minutes x 4:

300 Yard Shuttle
