CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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50 ft Banded Monster Walk + Lateral Steps

10 Cossack Squats

10 Perfect Lunge w/ Rotation

10 Scap Pullups

10 GHD Hip Ext (2 sec hold @ top)

15 Banded Ext Rot (2 second hold at ext.)

Foam Roll (1:00 per)

Quads, T-spine, Lats

2 Rounds: (increasing in weight)

10 DB Rows

5 DB Hang Clean & Jerks

5 DB Man Makers

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

400m Row

60 Single Unders

30 Double Unders

10 Triple Unders

(Rest 1:00)

800m Run

60 Hollow Rocks

30 GHD Sit-ups

10 Toes to Bar

(Rest 1:00)

1 Mile Bike

60 DB Bent Over Rows (2 DB’s) (40/25lbs)

30 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (2 DB’s) (40/25lbs)

10 DB Man Makers (2 DB’s) (40/25lbs)


1 minute Foam Roll Lats

1 minute Foam Roll Quads / side

2 minutes Couch Stretch / side

1 minute Pigeon Stretch / side