CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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30 Step Back Lunges

25 Banded Face Pulls

15 GHD Hip Extensions + 0:10 Hold

15 RKBS (moderate)

10 DBx2 Rows (both hands simultaneously)

1:00 Handstand Progressions


Barbell Row


7 minutes

Barbell Row

then MAX reps at 50% of heaviest 10

every 2 minutes x 3 sets

Deadlift (3-3-3-3-3)

Double Overhand grip only

15 minutes


Metcon (Time)

1000/850m Ski Erg

*15 two count Bicycle Sit-ups EMOM (starting at 1:00)
Perform this before or after the accessory work as ski erg availability permits

Accessory Work

Bulgarian Split Squat

Single Leg Squat w/rear foot elevated on bench, box, or similar.
In 1 minute, aim for a difficult 10-20 reps on one leg, rest, then perform the same on the other. Use DBs in each hand.

Aim for at least 1/8 x bodyweight per hand

Gold Standard:

1/3 x bodyweight per hand (men)

1/4 x bodyweight per hand (women)

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds of:

1-minute T-Spine Foam Roll

1-minute Dead Hang

25 Banded Face Pulls


2-minute Wall Sit (advanced: 1 minute / leg on one-legged wall-sit)