CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

Sign up sheet for our next ATR Community event can be found on the front desk. Saturday Sept 7th @ 5:40pm vs Rockies. All friends and family are welcome to join us! Final head count must be confirmed by Friday 8/23 so please make sure to fill out the sheet before then.

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200m Run

5 PVC Passes

5 Scap Pullups

10 Banded (wrists) Hips to Shoulder to Overhead

20 Air Squats

5 GHD Hip Extensions (5 second hold @ top)

10 Cossack Squats

10 Strict Pullups

1:00 Couch Stretch (per side)

0:30 Handstand Progressions

10 Rope Knee to Elbows


Empty Barbell warm-up and drills


Power Snatch

1 EMOM x 8


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20-minute AMRAP of:

400m Run

10 Snatch

3 Rope Climb (15 ft.)

Rx: 115/75

Rx+: 135/95
Sub Rope Climbs for 3 Hitches per rope climb or 5 Barbell Supine Rows per rope climb (15 total per round)


2 Rounds of:

1-minute Forearm Stretch / side

1-minute Butterfly Stretch

2 minutes Couch Stretch / side