CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

10/8 Calories Assault Bike (Upper body only)

20 Hollow Rocks

:30 Side Planks

10 PVC Passes

20 Pushups

10 Ring to Hips

3 Sets:

6-12 Strict Ring Dips (Bands on the rings are ok for today)

Skill Development

This is for ALL levels! We will break down the skills, positions, and progressions needed to complete a muscle-up.

Muscle-ups (For Tracking Purposes)


Metcon (Time)


Ring Dips

2x Straight Leg Weighted Sit-ups (30/20)

RX+ Muscle Up into Ring Dips

Straight Leg Weighted situps (40/30)
20 Minute Time Cap


Shoulder Mobility