CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

New year, new 1RMs!


Bear Crawl —>

Reverse Bear Crawl <---
5 Double Pushup Inchworms

15 Banded Ts, Ys, Low External Rotations/side

15 GHD Hip Extensions

15 GHD Situps

0:30 L-Sit (from dip position)

5:00 of HSPU progressions

Bench Press (Build to a 1RM)

20 minutes

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP of:


200m Run

15 Ring Dips

200m Run

15 Pushups

200m Run
For scoring purposes, each run will count as 1 rep.

Scale the exercise so, from the start, it can be done for 15 unbroken.

HSPU –> 1 AbMat HSPU –> 1 AbMat on top of 25# HSPU –> DB Seated Straddle Shoulder Presses

Ring Dips –> Bar Dips –> Small Band Bar Dips –> Pushups

Pushups –> Incline Pushups (bar on low lying rack)